Are You Ever Going To Stop Procrastinating & Get Fit?

You shouldn’t treat fitness as a distant goal on a pedestal. It’s not something that you eventually should get around to mastering. The reality is its not that difficult to get into shape, sometimes starting is the hardest part. Heres some tips on how to get started with your own uncomplicated tailor made workout plan.

Lets start with every mans favorite exercise, bicep curls. You need to ensure that you’re using good form when you’re doing work on your biceps. If you dont you are setting yourself up for an injury. Make sure you tighten up your glute muscles and this will help keep your spine in a stable position. Also dont throw the weight up in a chaotic fashion. Control the movement, let your bicep and not your entire arm do the work.

Some people are perfectly content using fitness equipment in a gym, but running outside is better for others. There is no right and no wrong choice here. Treadmills have their advantages and negatives, just like running on the pavement or through the park has. Cost wise running outdoor is free. Treadmills like a Weslo g5.9 cost a few hundred according to Treadmill Reviewers and can go up to $10K. But you dont need an expensive mode. A Weslo is good enough.

Treadmills are pretty handy when the winter kicks in, and also for avoiding congestion. But chances are when it comes to spring and summer you wont want to tread the deck on your machine if the house is like an oven. You could move it outdoors, but thats a pile of hassle. It would be easier to get yourself out of the house and use the treadmill on days when its more convenient to stay indoors.

Do you want to increase your endurance and your speed? Start running training like they do in Kenya. Kenyans train by starting off slow for the first third of their run. Once you get good at running you can slowly start to up the speed. By the middle third of the run, your pace should be your normal pace. Once you’re on the home stretch, you should run very quickly. You can do this on the treadmill or outside, with either you will improve both your endurance and speed.

People rely on results to drive their motivation. Purchase some clothing in the size you want to be and try them on weekly to gauge your progress. You will know how much you are changing if you make a habit of trying these clothes on from time to time.

If you really want to follow through with specific fitness objectives, a good idea to is to prepay a personal trainer in advance prior to starting work with them. You will be more likely to stick with it because the money is already spent. Your money will have already been spent. You will probably work harder if you shell out the cash as you wont want to waste it.

Instead of being a couch potato and passively watching TV, you can turn your downtime into exercise time. Do a little exercise during the ad breaks, and youll have enough of a workout done by the end of an average 60 minute show. Try push ups, planks and sit-ups. Youll also have plenty of rest time in between sets and youll feel a little healthier by the end of your favorite program.

You can also use TV time again for good effect. Try using TV workouts to keep things varied. Check around for fitness shows that are available on the box. If you have a Smart TV jump on You Tube. The variety and novelty presented by these random workout shows will make your exercise sessions go by faster and keep you interested in what you’re doing.

An awesome way to get more fit is to work your abs. Why not make a habit of it and do them every morning? Once you make a regular habit of something it becomes a natural part of your activities. Not only that, once your strengthen your abs and core it bullet proofs your back. It makes it stronger and who wants to bend over to pick something off the ground and end up having to go to the hospital? Being fit and strong is practical.